Amazing Things To Do With Python In Everyday Life!

In Python, with a couple of imports and a few lines of code, we can do amazing things.

I am post here a list of amazing scripts/projects that I came across.

VLC With Subtitles:  Automatically download and load correct subtitles in VLC.

Youtube-dl: Small command-line program to download videos from and other sites.

20482048 Game with Kivy(Also available on Play StoreiTunes, and for terminal)

A smart and nice Twitter client on terminal wrote by Python. 

Send Personal Messages:  Thank all your friends who wished on your birthday on Facebook.

T A command-line todo list manager for people that want to finish tasks, not organize them.

qblog: Build & test a blog with Django 1.7 in less than 17 minutes.

coureseraScript for downloading videos and naming them.

sh: Call any shell program as if it were a function.

AutoFlakeRemove unused imports and unused variables as reported by pyflakes.

Django-Extensions: Collection of global custom management extensions for the Django Framework.

Pattern: Scrape & Process Web easily.

PDFMiner:  Exact a part(or entire) of text from pdf.
tqdmAdd a progress meter to your loops in a second

onionshareSecurely and anonymously share a file of any size.

q: - Run SQL directly on CSV or TSV files.

iPython Notebook: Combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single web document & share with others.