Get Mobile Notifications In Desktop With Push Bullet!

How many times You have unlocked Your phone to receive OTP(One Time Password)? Also when You are doing something on Your computer and received a message, You need to check the phone and may be You need to send a reply.

Pushbullet saves You time by moving your notifications to desktop. You can automatically see all of your iPhone/Android phone's notifications like who's calling or read and reply to text messages even if your phone is on silent or in another room.

It also makes it easy to send pictures, files, links, and more to your devices and friends. You can push a link to your phone by just right-clicking on it on your computer. You can then go right to the link by tapping on the notification.

Just install app in Your phone  iPhone  Android
Install extension in Your browser  Chrome  Firefox

Now sign in Google Plus account on all Your devices and You are done! You will get all Your mobile notifications in Your computer and You can share files between them easily!!

A few screenshots of Push Bullet in action!
